
Death Battle Quotes: Little Mac

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NOTE: Doc Louis does all the talking for Little Mac.

You ready for this, Mac baby? [Entrance Quote]
C'mon, Mac, we trained all week for this! [Entrance Quote]
Dance like a fly and bite like a mosquito! [Entrance Quote]
HooWEE, Mac! [Win Quote]
Kid can always take a whoopin'! [Win Quote]
Atta boy, Mac, you showed them! [Win Quote]
Now that's how we do it in the Bronx, baby! Great fight, Mac, GREAT fight! [Results Screen Quote]
Man, there ain't NO ONE you can't handle, isn't that right, Mac? [Results Screen Quote]
Great job out there, son! Let's celebrate with some chocolate milkshakes! It's on me! [Results Screen Quote]
Oooh, he's gettin' serious now! [Activating X-Factor]
You heard 'em, Mac! [When switched in]
Yikes...[Tag in after one ally is defeated]
Don't worry, Mac'll tear 'em a new one! [Tag in after both allies are defeated]
Lend my man a hand out there! [Calling Assist]
Always help you friends, son! [After performing Assist]
Aw man...So close... [Defeated by a light attack]
MAC! NOOOOOOO! [Defeated by a heavy attack]

Quotes to Boba Fett, Samus Aran and Deathstroke:

Looks like SOMEONE wants you outta the picture, son! [Entrance Quote]
Now, I wonder who hired 'em...I'll bet it was Super Macho Man! That guy never liked you... [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Akuma:

Akuma's strong, Mac, but his stamina's nothing! [Entrance Quote]
See? Ya just had to stay out of the way! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Rogue:

Whatever you do, don't let Rogue touch you! [Entrance Quote]
Mac! She touched you, didn't she? How're you feeling, son? How many fingers am I holding up? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Haggar and Zangief:

Show that musclehead boxing beats out wrestling any day! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Vegeta:

Careful, Mac! Vegeta always means business! [Entrance Quote]
You sure showed that cocky creep who's boss, eh son? [Win Quote]

Quotes to Mario:

Am I dreamin', or are you about to fight Mario himself?! [Entrance Quote]
Now THAT was one for the records! [Win Quote] get Mario's autograph for me? ...Aw man... [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Mai Shiranui:

Make sure to dodge Mai's attacks! She's wide open if she misses! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Starscream:

No need to worry, son. It's only Starscream. [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Rainbow Dash:

Rainbow Dash is cute and all, but she might cheat! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Peach:

Looks like Peach didn't get kidnapped for once, huh son? [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Spider-Man:

Ya gotta try to trick Spidey's spider sense, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Blanka:

Blanka's tough and all...but DAN HIBIKI trained him. [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Superman:

Uh-oh, Mac...Superman's no joke! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Goku:

Careful, son. Goku's trained all his life. [Entrance Quote]
Haha! My training's just that good! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Shao Kahn:

Make sure you score some hits when Shao Kahn starts taunting you, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Ryu Hayabusa, Strider Hiryu, Naruto, Rock Lee and Randy Cunningham:

I heard ninjas were supposed to be all...sneaky and stuff. They were right there the whole time though, weren't they Mac? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Robocop:

Robocop's slow, but his bullets sure ain't! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Luigi:

Whoa! It's THE Luigi! [Entrance Quote]
I feel bad for the poor guy. Does just as much for the kingdom as his brother, and never gets a single slice of cake for it... [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Balrog:

Balrog's tough, but he can't strategize to save his life! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Edward Elric:

Careful, Mac. Edward can mess up the ground with that Alchemy stuff. [Entrance Quote]
Nice one, Mac! You beat a state alchemist! [Win Quote]
Hey, uh, Mac...It just me, or is he shorter than you? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to TJ Combo:

You haven't heard of TJ Combo? You need to catch up on your boxing history, Mac. [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Tsunade:

Tsunade's a lovely woman, but her strength's no joke. [Entrance Quote]
Even the Hokagae can't stand up to your Star Punch, son! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Inuyasha, Dante, Vergil, DMC Dante and Rin:

You haven't fought a half demon before...Eh, I'm sure you'll do fine. [Entrance Quote]
Haha! You're stronger than any demon, son! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Stocking:

I hear Stocking's got a real sweet tooth. See if she's got any chocolate on her. [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to any Pokemon:

You gotta catch 'em all to beat Pokemon, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Popeye:

Careful, son! You're through if Popeye eats his spinach! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Danny Phantom:

Make sure to hit Danny when you can see him, Mac! [Entrance Quote]
That's right, Mac! You ain't afraid of no ghost! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Batman:

Be careful, Mac! Don't take your eyes off Batman for a second! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Captain America:

Try to get around Cap's shield for a clean hit, Mac! [Entrance Quote]
Man, you should be leading the Avengers, kid! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Hulk:

You gotta dish out everything you got to beat Hulk, Mac! [Entrance Quote]
You're the strongest boxer there is, son! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Captain Falcon:

Watch out for the Falcon Punch, Mac! [Entrance Quote]
You'll see him again in the next Smash Bros tournament, right Mac? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Shadow:

Guess you're the ultimate life form now, right Mac? [Win Quote]

Quotes to Deadpool:

Don't get distracted by Deadpool's big mouth, Mac! Show him who's boss! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Sonic, Flash and Quicksilver:

It was sure hard for you to hit this guy. But you still pulled through, Mac! [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Angry Video Game Nerd:

He's a fan of Nintendo? Then go easy on him, Mac! [Entrance Quote]
You wait back here, Mac. I'm gonna convince this guy to become part of the Nintendo club! [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to any ice-based characters:

Don't let this punk give you the cold shoulder, Mac. Take him down! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Ben Tennyson:

With all those aliens with him, you'd think Ben would come up with a better fighting strategy, huh Mac? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Kick-Ass:

Just keep whaling on Kick-Ass, Mac! He ain't a tough fighter! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to King Hippo:

King Hippo's back? Well, strike him down again, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Xenomorph:

Watch out when this alien bleeds, Mac! It'll burn right through your skin! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Inkling:

Some chump with a paint gun isn't enough to stop you, Mac baby! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Plankton:

If you knock out that tin can of his, Plankton's easy to beat, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Glass Joe:

You're facing Glass Joe again? This'll be a quick match for you, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Cartman:

He may be just a kid, but don't you dare pull no punches on Cartman, Mac! [Entrance Quote]
No worries, son. He needed to be knocked down a few pegs. [Win Quote]

Quotes to Juggernaut:

Guess you CAN stop the Juggernaut, Mac! [Win Quote]

Quotes to Garnet:

Go get 'er, Mac! Show Garnet that you're stronger than her! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Soda Popinski:

Just don't let him drink any of his bottles and you'll be fine, Mac! [Entrance Quote]

Quotes to Hercule:

Somethin's fishy about Mr. Satan, Mac... [Entrance Quote]
I knew it! All talk and no action! [Win Quote]
Guess this means you're the new World Champ, Mac! Congratulations! [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Jotaro Kujo and Dio Brando:

C'mon, Mac! You can punch faster than that ghost thing! [Entrance Quote]
They can't even beat ya by bringing in help, can they son? [Win Quote]
Stands are a bit of a pain, but that doesn't matter now, does it? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to gun users:

Show this chump that guns are for wussies! [Entrance Quote]
Ain't no bullets gonna hit my man, Mac! [Win Quote]
Now, listen to me, Mac. Y'all don't ever need a gun. You know that, right? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Frank West:

Don't hurt him too badly, Mac! He's gonna interview us! [Entrance Quote]
Hope Frank's not too banged up to get the scoop! [Win Quote]
All right, Frank, you know what to say to him, right? Last thing you wanna do is go into an interview and not know what to say. [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Saitama:

Careful, Mac! Saitama may look like an Average Joe, but if he lands a few punches, you're done for! [Entrance Quotes]
Whoa...Did you just defeat THE One-Punch Man? *Sniff* I'm very proud of ya, son! [Win Quote]
What? 100 push-ups,100 sit-ups, and 100 squats? Everyday? ain't nothing Mac can't handle. Running 10km too? Well...Mac runs after me on my bike around the city as part of his training. Does that count? [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Yang:

Yang gets stronger the more you hit her, so be careful! [Entrance Quote]
Looks like you burned brighter then she did, Mac! [Win Quote]
Geez, Mac, looks like you did a number on that girl's hair. And she sure ain't happy about it. [Results Screen Quote]

Quotes to Ippo Makunouchi:

Okay, Mac! Ippo rose up just like you did, so go and bring him down! [Entrance Quote]
Haha! Looks like Mac's the only champ around here, Makunouchi! [Win Quote]
I'm feeling a bit bad for the guy. He worked real hard to get where he is and we just brought him down. Maybe we should get him some chocolate or something. [Results Screen Quote]


Whoa! I didn't you had a twin brother! [Entrance]
Fighting yourself? That was just weird! [Win]
Hey, look at it this way, Mac Baby! You know you're tough when you can beat on yourself without much hussle! [Results]

Master Hand:

Hope you're ready, Mac! [Entrance]
Way to go! You beat Master Hand! [Win]
Looks like you're the grand champ of the Smash tournament! Like there was any doubt at all! [Results]

Polygon Man:

Teach this scumbag a lesson Mac! [Entrance]
Man not even Master Hand is this bad. [Win]
Polygon Man used his fighters to make himself stronger! That is all kinds of messed up! [Results]

Yellow Diamond:

Watch out, Mac, she's the leader of Homeworld's entire military! [Entrance]
That's quite some "fate-of-the-world" deal, now wasn't it? [Win]
Looks like your Star Punch really shattered her chances! [Results]

Steven Universe:

That shield's gonna be a nightmare to get past, Mac. Look for an opening! [Entrance]
He may be a kid, but he's got some serious muscle! [Win]
If he's this good now, you better hope he doesn't become a boxer, Mac, or your title's in trouble! [Results]


Be careful. Pearl may look pretty, but she's a graceful fighter! [Entrance]
That spear can cut stone, but it ain't gonna cut my man Mac! [Win]
Nice goin' out there, Mac! You took down the toughest Pearl of 'em all! [Results]


Look out, Mac baby, Amethyst is known for being unpredictable. [Entrance]
Nothin' catches you by surprise, does it Mac? [Win]
This girl's an ANIMAL! Someone I can get along with, huh, Mac? [Results]

Final Bosses:

Okay, Mac, no pressure, but we're all dead if you don't win this thing. [Entrance]
You did it, son! You saved the world! [Win]

Most ARMS characters:

Watch out, Mac baby, them ARMS fighters have plenty of reach with their punches! [Entrance]


Don't let her movie star status drag you down, Mac! [Entrance]

Master Mummy:

This guy can really take a beating, so don't hold back on him! [Entrance]
Say, maybe we could help him find his family! [Win]

Kid Cobra:

Watch out for those Slamamanders, Mac baby! [Entrance]
Snakeboarding looks kinda fun! Maybe you could try it, Mac! [Win]
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tora777's avatar
Careful, Mac baby, it ain't called The Punching Demon for nothing. (Entrance)
Pay attention, Mac, this guy can punch almost as fast as you... almost. (Entrance)